?Nellie Bly is the nickname of the American investigative newspaper reporter, Elizabeth Jane Cochran. Elizabeth was renowned for her reportage of social justice issues and her willingness to undertake “daredevil” undercover investigations; which famously included getting herself committed to an insane asylum so she could report on the conditions there. Elizabeth is also renowned for her travel around the world in seventy-two days. Elizabeth Jane Cochran was born on May 5, 1864, in Cochran's Mills, Pennsylvania. Feminist and journalist, Nellie Bly began her writing career on behalf of The Pittsburgh Dispatch in 1885. Following that two years later on, Nellie moved to New York City in light of beginning work for the New York World. In concurrence with one of her primary assignments for the New York World, she admitted herself for 10 days at the Bellevue Hospital, pretentiousness as a mental patient for a description. Five years later, in 1890, the New York World paper gave her a mission to accomplish sailing around the world in 72 days. Elizabeth Jane Cochran, Nellie Bly, life came to an end on January 27, 1922, at the age of 57, in New York City. Famous pioneer, investigative, feminist journalist Nellie Bly was born Elizabeth Jane Cochran, later added an "e" to the end of her name for sophistication. Nellie Bly was born in Cochran's Mills, Pennsylvania, a town established by her father, Michael Cochran, who abundantly provided for the family. His career consisted of working as a judge and a landowner. Bly's mother was his second wife, her mother’s name was Mary Jane Cochran; they had five children, the third child was Nellie. In Michaels first marriage he had 10 children; he and Mary Jane had both been widows prior to their marriage to one another. Mary Jane didn’t have any children from her first marriage. In 1870 Nellie Bly suffered a terrible loss, at the age of 6, when her father unexpectedly died. During their heartache, Michael Cochran's passing away brought on a grave financial disadvantage to his family, he left them with no will, and legal claims for his estate. Nellie Bly then registered herself at the Indiana Normal School, which was a small college in Indiana Pennsylvania, where she perused to become a teacher, in an effort to help support her si