Diamonds are often purchased to represent being in love or wealthy, but what if the lustrous objects secretly represented gruesome acts of violence and innocent blood shed...within the world trade, 10 to 15% of blood diamonds do (History Channel). Volcanoes are the source of these desirable treasures. It is ironic because just as volcanoes can bring death and go up in flames so can the diamonds. Discovering these blood diamonds has caused ruthless civil wars in African countries. Ruthless warlords and armies are consumed with power. They exploit this power by burning down villages, severing limbs of the innocent, and enslaving children. They are financed by the blood diamonds. The film Blood Diamond characterizes a victim of the civil war in Sierra Leone. In the depths of the atrocities taking place the victim searches for his family. The movie essentially provides the audience with an idea of the hardships the victims faced and human right violations committed. On the other hand, the movie underplays the important issues by focusing on Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his ulterior motive. The film Blood Diamond was directed by Edward Zwick and released to theaters on December 8, 2006. The film is based in 1999 when a seemingly quiet African country becomes a war-zone. The plot focuses on a fisherman named Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) from Sierra Leone. In attempt to help his family escape from the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), he is captured and used as a slave in the diamond mine. Vandy soon discovers an enormous diamond. The overseer of the workforce Captain Poison (David Harewood) catches Vandy and before he can act the mine is attacked. Solomon is placed in the same prison as Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio). Archer being a diamond smuggler, he is intrigued by Vandy. Archer gets Vandy out of prison and agrees to help him in the search for his family in return of the diamond. Maddie Bowen (Jennifer Colleny) is soon brought into the situation at hand. She is a Journalist who attempts to interview Archer regarding his diamond smuggling to help her on her quest to expose the diamond market’s use of conflict diamonds. The three ally to incorporate their attributes to rea