?Recently there have been racial profiling and police brutality cases that have become mainstream in the United States. These cases are Eric Garner and Ferguson and lastly the case of Trayvon Martin. Eric Garner and Michael Brown v. Ferguson include African American men who were discriminated against because the color of their skin. Both were assumed to be doing something erroneous. After grand juries investigated the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, they failed to indict the police officers involved in both incidents. Trayvon Martin was racially profiled. ?The Ferguson case occurred on August 9, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael Brown, whom is the victim of this case, was unarmed at the time. He was an 18 year old African American boy. He was seen in a store and was accused of stealing cigarillos and shoving an employee who tried to stop him from fleeing the scene. Darren Wilson, a Caucasian police officer pulled Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson over. They both ran in different directions and Wilson fired at Brown 12 times. Brown died immediately after being shot seven times. The grand court jury decided to investigate the shooting and did not indict Wilson. The shooting created long lasting tension between the majority black population and the majority white government and police. Protests, both peaceful and violent took place for more than a week. In September, the U.S General Attorney launched a federal investigation of the Missouri police department to see if officers engaged in racial profiling. As a result of the shooting President Barack Obama announced that the federal government will spend 75 million dollars on body cameras for law enforcement officers. ?The Eric Garner case is another mainstream issue. On July 17, 2014 Garner died due to being put into a chokehold. Garner was seen in front of a grocery store breaking up a fight that the officer thought that Garner was apart of. The police officer held Garner in front of the store until other officers got to the scene. When the other officers arrived, the officer that was