Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and adversity." The British ex-prime minister Winston Churchill also had a motto that is "Never, never, never, never give up." Life looks like a cranky mountain road with thorns. I had no road of flower leads to the top of mountain. I only can keep walking and go on. I thought no matter what I faced and experienced, each step under my feet is precious because those are parts of my life. It was a clear sunny day and as usual, I was headed home after my hours of studying. I felt like needles were pricking my lungs with each step. I couldn't move because I couldn't breathe at all. I could barely find my way up for air. At that moment, what I want was just a little bit of oxygen. I tried to stay calm and used every strength of my body to get home. As soon as I got home, my parents took me to the hospital. Then, the result scared me. I was diagnosed with a disease called pneumothorax that required an operation for my weak lungs. I had no choice; what I could do only was mustering my courage to face the challenges. So I began to enjoy my long and unknown hospital life. In order to help me breathe, a respiratory tube was inserted into my l lungs. I was happy to breathe well again even though it was still painful. However, it was only the beginning because the operation was approaching. After few days, I was told that I had to be put to sleep for the operation. I was nervous about being put to sleep. I had a fear of not being able to wake up. Fortunately, after 2 hours of sleeping with a successful operation, I opened my eyes slowly and I was able to recognize my parents and my surroundings. They came around and talked about me. I was also happy that the hard and dangerous part was over, but I was wrong. I wasn't allowed to sleep and drink water for the next 12 hours to preve