
Marijuana and Curing Disease

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Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge or in other words technology. As the years go by our technology rapidly becomes more and more advance leading us to make possible historic discoveries that could change the world. For instance just a few weeks ago american scientists teamed up with expert ice drillers on the Antarctic ice shelf. With the help of their specially made robotic probe they were able to discover little fish swimming around almost a mile under the ice where they thought life wouldn’t be sustainable due to the lack of light and plant life. This is only one of many things that have been discovered recently with the technology we have today. There is one specific plant with a bad reputation I believe should be researched more about. Marijuana, once hated by many but in the past two decades peoples views towards it have changed. There are many benefits of marijuana that we already know of from actual science and with the proper funding for research we quite possibly find the hidden little fish of cancer. Because of all the benefits marijuana has proven to bring forth it should be legalized for medicinal and recreational use. Times have changed, marijuana being legal is not an unrealistic fantasy anymore its just a matter of time now. This change is driven primarily through voter initiative campaigns in different states all over the country designed to bypass legislatures through majority vote. We the people have made our decision loud and clear, now the percentage of people in favor for legalization of medical marijuana has more than tripled since the early nineties from 16% to over 58% today.(Hayes 128) As of today 23 states along with the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use and there are only more to come. States as disparate as Alaska, New Mexico, and Vermont are cautiously analyzing the potential benefits of legalized marijuana with hopes of pumping mo

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