Graffiti for me is a graphic expression that expresses the inner personality of the applied, in which the basic tool is spray paint, these expressions are seen in the streets and public places, that have a primary purpose which is to show the presence or the existence of any individual, all these expressions that are made with the graffiti are clandestinely and all the time with risky, because it damages the image of the streets and public and private places, each drawn of graffiti on the streets of any place in the city requires a lot of creativity and ability to perform each of the expressions or feelings of these anonymous authors reflect, which most are young guys. In my own opinion I think that graffiti is an art form that can be valid and accepted by society, it's just a matter of giving these young artists the opportunity and confidence necessary for them to prove that it is an art form that meets all requirements to be admired and recognized as any artwork of some famous painter, and so in this way it could be shown and give any special space for them to realize their creativity and feelings they want to show in their work. Gradually, we have seen today that as many communities are giving them the space and opportunity for them to express themselves freely and to prove they are not just a scribble or simple reflected or paints on a wall or in a train car stripes, because for them these paintings has a very important meaning that people do not know, maybe it's a type of communicating they use express to people as their daily lives, or are living that life, or simply to forget any problems they may have at home these children, or by a simple passion to art and color, and when they are going to do some kind of graffiti they already have in mind a kind of design, shape, color, perspective, etc. because like many things called art, this has many features to get into the category of being a good work of art, since it authors can exp