The exam paper is related to subject of my ENG 102 class and I just finished it couple minutes ago. My experience regarding the test is quite positive. I believe that I have done my research right and answered my questions accordingly. There are two specific questions I felt that I am confident to answer. Researching in the library and browsing the internet are the two most confident questions to me. The reason that I am confident to answer question researching the library is that I am familiar with the subject, researching in the library database has most authority’s academic works and it is a good place to find helpful resources. In fact, I have been using the MC library for a while, and the MC library is very easy and convenient to use. Internet is a nice place to connect with the entire World as well as for the academic researching project. People use it as a medium to find online resources. Because, it is connected to the whole entire world's online database that will give people great chance to find beneficial document. The internet researching is a good way to find variety of useful information. There are also two specific questions are quite challenging. I am not quite confident to answer them. They are evaluating information and understanding of plagiarism. I think evaluating information is a difficult one and I also think I sometimes unintentionally evaluate the information with my own bias and opinions. Different individual will likely to have different views regarding this question. The answer will depend on personal believes religions, policies and situations. There is no simple right or wrong answer to it. I am not quite comfortable with understanding of plagiarism as well. I think it is necessary to know exactly what a plagiarism is. Sometimes, I got confused with the plagiarism and citation. For example, I think that rewrite someone’s wok from the textbook and do not put any citation in the paper is not plagiar