
The Oedipus Complex - Michael Kahn

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Males are often considered to be the more dominant than the females. There has never been a point where people consider those two genders equally. “Freud’s critics have long argued that the Oedipus complex occurs only in male-dominated, class-structured societies, that it is a pathological consequence of each societies” (Kahn 59). In the past, present, and in the future, people will always consider females as a lower class and consider males as a upper class. For now, even though males and females have equal rights, consciously the male will be dominant. “The main distinction between the class-stratified societies like our own and the non-stratified societies is that in the latter the sexual and aggressive aspects of the Oedipal tales are significantly less disguise, that is, less repressed, than they are in societies like ours” (Kahn 60). Society and the Oedipal tales are alike. They both dealt with some of the same problems. Both do not know why a certain person acts mad, decides to be homosexual or tends to abuse. People with atrocious and impulsive behavior can destroy families relationships with each other. “Oedipal period can be essentially problem free if the parents have been loving and sensitive throughout the adolescent’s life” (Kahn 62). The time period now, some parents in the world can be neglectful and mean to their children because they chose to act like that. Some parents chooses to act like that which it relates to what the quote says. Parents that not pay attention to their kids can provoke them to be undisciplined and cause problems to the world. That is why,every parent in the world should always treat their kids with love and care so they can always act like a good civilian person and make the world a better place. “They conclude that even exceptionally introspective people, including those who can intellectually accept the universality of incestuous and aggressive impulses in families, have difficulty detecting any such feelings in themselves” (Kahn 61). Families have problems when some of the family members have angry problems or if they hold the anger in themselves. It can cause a problem that when they hold so much anger that it can mentally mess up their emotions. There are also many problems in modern society with sexual abuse in families. A common problem in modern society is sexual abuse, especially in families. “Freud believed to the end of his life that sexual abuse of children was more prevalent than had been previously believed and that such abuse was disastrous for the child” (Kahn 63). If a person was sexual abused when they were young, it can haunt them till they grow older and die. Also, when they are older, any memory that remind them from being sexual abused can cause problems towards the person. “As a result of this highly visible controversy, some people now believe that all emotional troubles stem from early abuse, even if the person doesn’t remember it” (Kahn 63). Even though the person that was sexually abused when they are a kid probably will not remember and would be mentally troubled. The way Freud was talking about sexual abuse is how it happens in modern society too. People can be weird in many ways to fall in love with someone. For an example, if a person loves one of their parents so much and admire them so much, they can can fall in love with someone because the way they remind them of their parent. “What he meant was that if the woman reminded him too much of his mother, the incest taboo would strike” (Kahn 84). That is how incest can cause to happen if they reali

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