Michael Jordan once said, “Some people wish it to happen, others want it to happen but others make it happen” (Porter). Michael Jordan is truly one of the greatest living athletes and he’s certainly lived an exciting life with many moments. Jordan has dominated both the sports and the business world. Now, 50 years old, he has won dozens of awards, including two Olympic gold medals, and he remains active to this day as a businessman and spokesman. Jordan’s life was a model for the American dream. Michael Jordan has achieved his American dream by showing hard work and industry. But, Jordan’s moments of good times also brought him face to face with many bad situations. Certain problems and addictions made Jordan go downhill by showing a lack of temperance during his life. But that didn’t stopped him, Michael Jordan reflects, “Maybe it’s my fault that you didn’t see that failure gave me strength” (Wang and Fenner). Jordan overcame a difficult childhood and various other problems to emerge as a leader with temperance, and his industry expressed in determination and integrity both on and off the court led to achieve his American dream. Of all major athletes in the twentieth century Jordan demonstrates a great variety of positive characteristics fans can appreciate. One of Jordan’s best characteristics was industry. He was a young man with a strong work ethic who refused to doubt his abilities. He was willing to work hard to make sure his dreams of playing professional sports became reality. In reviewing his success in basketball, Jordan reflected, “I’ve lost almost three hundred games, twenty six times, I’ve trusted to take the game winning shot and missed, I’ve failed over and over and over in my life and that is why I succeed” (Wang and Fenner). Wang and Fenner note that Jordan strove for the impossible, he strove for perfection. With that comes failure. Failure is something you have to accept and, as Jord