
Women and Traditional Marriage

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Everybody has their own views on marriage, some of those views more different than the others. Some people judge by what they hear or see and some may judge marriage on the experience they went through. The typical tradition of marriage has been viewed as when a man and a woman fall in love, buy a house, have children and maintain their home. In the mid 1900’s most women became solely dependent on their spouses income to support them and their children. Nowadays with women and men are having children without being married. Women have more equality in the workforce than they did a half of a century ago. Some may believe marriage is not necessary in life and more women are making the choice to be single due to better paying jobs. Marriage is a significant step in a person's life. Yet it changes everything and when two lives conjoin sacrifices have to be made. The typical marriage of man marrying woman so that he has someone to tend to the house duties while he goes out in the working world to bring in all the financial income. Also, could be same when a woman marries a man for the security of constantly being providing for and sometimes out of not wanting to be lonely. The world of today has individuals finding that marriage is not really necessary to survive in todays world. There are so many more resources for single people, especially women now than their was a half of century ago. In an interview with the Huffington Post, Dr. Bella DePaulo, said, “What people sometimes overlook when they say ‘If you’re single, you’re alone’ is the possibility that if you’re single, you may have friendships that pay you a lot of attention to,”. Individuals may have other priorities rather than getting married. Some people are just happy being single rather than struggling being married. Women in the mid 1900’s had very little opportunity to make their own money. As it was custom to follow the typical role of a woman that would get m

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