
Political and Economic Systems

21 Pages 363 Words 1557 Views

Countries are beginning to use information technology to create a diverse connection between many places. With these connections, they can coordinate better communications with each other’s government and status of their economies. They can also make trading of goods and resources easier and more reliable. Today there are more than 200 almost completely separate countries all that vary in size and importance. Ranging from available resources to military strength to how much influence that country has on the rest of the world. All of these factors are conjoined to create a government. Each government has a different system to keep order and a different set of rules that need to be followed. These rules usually stem from the country’s history. Larger countries usually have different levels of government such as governments for small sections of that country. There are several different types of government: 1. There is autocracy, one form is when one person has complete dictatorship and the government has no responsibility for its people, such a ruling existed under Adolf Hitler’s rule from 1933 – 1945. Another form of autocracy a Monarchy, where one person has complete and unlimited power toward its government and its people. These kinds of rulers are rare today though some do still exist. 2. An oligarchy is when a tightly knit group of people are in power. They usually obtain this position from either having great wealth, power or influence over the people, or sometimes a mixture of several or all of the above. 3. A democracy is a form of government that gives power to the people. It is when citizens rule and control what happens in their country. No county in our time rules with a direct democracy but we do elect officials to speak for the people. A government such as the United States. The United States is also a Republic in that we elect all the head officials that make decisions for us. Though not all democracies are rep

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