Companies are driven by the goal to increase profits. This is one reason that companies have moved to offshore their factories, which of course would decrease expenses; increasing income. One of these companies is the famous multi-billion company Apple that has off shored its factories to China exposing its workers to hazardous conditions such as the lack of safety precautions and low salaries. Up until now a few dozen out of thousands have cared, and this is actually changing because of writers and journalists exposing these conditions. Duhigg and Barboza are two of these writers who focused on this issue in their article “In China, Human Costs are Built into an iPad.” Apple should take more serious measures to help improve its employees’ lives, and solve the hazardous environmental and health problems they are daily exposed to. The article “In China, Human Costs are Built into an iPad,” is concerned with the agonizing conditions the Chinese people are put through. Charles Duhigg, a reporter for the New York Times who writes a series called “The iEconomy” about Apple and its influence worldwide, and David Barboza, a business news-writer for the New York Times, who writes mainly about what the Chinese foundations have to deal with, co-authored this article. It was published in the New York Times on January 25, 2012. This article is directed to consumers and governments all over the world who can act to change the conditions. The writers’ purpose is to inform people about the tough circumstances the Chinese are working in and Apple’s nonchalant attitude towards that. It was written after several traumatic events took place such as the Chengdu iPad factory explosion which ended the lives of four people and harmed seventy-seven others (Duhigg and Barboza, 2012). The writers provide the readers with facts, numbers, and statistical figures. Moreover, they give real life examples to support their claims. The article is free of magniloquence and ambiguity, and the tone is serious, for the writers don’t use humor or satire. This article’s exploration is a very important first step for supporting the employees in China and providing them with help when necessary. Working at Apple factories has brought misery and unhappiness to the employees in China; although, it has offered them a few benefits, like a job and an income. Workers at Foxconn are being tormented physically and psychologically during their work hours as well as during their breaks which is leading to an increasing number of suicides. Workers for example are forced to work overtime shifts, without even a decent break. Some employees state that “they stand so long that their legs swell” after a 24-hour shift (Duell, 2012). Foxconn states that overtime hours aren’t mandatory, but if an employee doesn’t remain for overtime or even doesn’t agree to stay, it is viewed as work obstruction (SACOM, 2010). These employees are also s