
The Biblical Spiritual Gifts

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When I first accepted Christ as my Savior, it was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me. I was always taught the word of God, but when I knew within myself that I was filled with His spirit I was eager to begin working to bring others to Christ. I had great joy knowing that God was now living inside of me and using my vessel to draw others to Him. As a new Christian I was eager to begin my spiritual walk, but I was not sure how God desired to use me. I begin to pray and seek God about my place in the ministry and that is when I discovered that all Christians should have at least one spiritual gift. In the bible it states “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (King James Study Bible 1752). The one thing any Christian can to determine what spiritual gift/s he or she possess is to read the scriptures, and seek God by prayer and He will reveal it. I believe that the spiritual gifts listed in II Corinthians are operating in the world today, and if one cannot recognize the gifts he or she need to do a self-examination a pray to God for him to show them the gifts when they are operating according to His word. Throughout this paper we will take a closer look at the nine spiritual gifts talked about in the I Corinthians 12. The nine gifts I will give more insight into are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, divers tongues, and interpretation of tongues. As I review the gifts listed I pray that the information is helpful in making one aware of the gift/s that is within. The first gift I would like to review is wisdom. Wisdom is defined as knowledge of what is true and right coupled with just judgment. I believe that all Christians have some measure of this gift. Although I believe that all Christians have a measure of wisdom but many lack the fullness of this gift. You do not have to be old to be wise as one may have been taught in their youth, but when one has the fullness of the gift of operating in their life it is amazing to behold. “What a privilege when we face a difficult situation, we can look into the Bible, and ask God’s Spirit to give us the wisdom we need to find God’s way” (Richards 633). When the full gift of wisdom is operating in a Christian’s life the spirit of God is evident in their every action. The gift of Knowledge goes hand in hand with wisdom however it is possible to have one without the other. In the Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia Martin describes knowledge as the ability “To know God in a sense-to understand his will, and to live in accordance with it-is the chief duty of man” (Martin 448). If God allows the gift of knowledge to operate fully in a Christian’s life they have the ability live the word and allow others to benefit from seeing the living word through their actions by allowing the one that has the gift to teach others His will. The gift of Faith is evident everywhere, but it often goes unnoticed by most of us. When we get in our most of have believe that the car will start, and that we will make it safely to our destinations. Oftentimes we take it for granted that our very existence is a miracle. Most people have the gift of faith, but the fullness of the

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