Elie Wiesel's autobiography, "Night," is about the horrors of the holocaust and the damaging effects it had on the human soul.The holocaust was an attempt by the German Nazis during World War II to commit genocide of the Jewish population in Europe. Over six million innocent people were killed in this disgusting attempt. There is no rational reason as to why the Nazi party wanted to completely rid Europe of its Jewish population. This horrific event caused the few who did survive to completely lose themselves,effectively turning them into a shell of what they once were. Many times, people are told that material possessions should not be what you place worth on,but they are important to a person. However, complete loss of all possessions removes a crucial part someones personal security. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks” (UDHR 12). This article is broken in the beginning of Night. It first happens to the Jews when they are being removed from their ghetto “Each of us will be allowed to bring his personal belongings. A backpack, some food, a few items of clothing.Nothing else”(Wiesel 14).The German people continue to take from the Jews without reason when they take their valuables. “Anyone who still owns gold, silver, or watches must hand them over now”(Wiesel 24). The Nazis even stole Wiesel’s crown off his tooth. “That evening,in the latrines,the dentist from Warsaw pulled my crown with the help of a rusty spoon” (Weisel 56). In other words, the Nazis stole everything the Jews had and kept it for themselves. The Nazis even robbed the Jewish people of their families.When this happens to the Jews, they not only take away their financial stability but they take away t