Emmanuel Mesthene presents three general viewpoints on this relationship of how humans view technology in his writing. The first is that technology is “the motor of all progress” and that it is a great blessing to society. He also puts forth a more pessimistic view that describes technology as an uncontrollable curse on society. His personal view, combines the two by saying that technology can, and most likely will, lead to social change, however, there will be both positive and negative consequences accompanying the technology and the resulting change. First, society is consistently changing the advancements of technology. As discussed in class, the debates over the true nature of the relationship society and technology continue today, and can be seen in in today’s technological advances. Mesthene’s viewpoint was resulted in positive and negative consequences, which reflect his personal viewpoint of the relationship between technological and social progress. He argues that a society can use, and even develop, advanced technologies with advancing in other areas. During the lecture, it was said Nazi Germany had great advancements in automobiles and weaponry during World War Two. The Nazi’s were using their technological advances to affect the social patterns of the world, and in their own views they were advancing towards their ideals, which was their idea of social progress. Secondly, another lecture that was talked about was what technology can and cannot do. This issue has been arising from the development of new technology and whether or not technological fixes can be used to adequately solve problems. Most people will agree that technology can provide a temporarily solution to a problem, but usually it cannot fully solve a problem completely. Mesthene says technology is “the motor of all progress” and it is a blessing to society. However, what Mesthene is including in this statement is what the consequence with the