Just imagine you had to live in a place where you couldn’t see the outside world. Where you’re trapped and all you see were the rough plain dark walls. This was all Anna Hudson was able to see for the last 5 years. At the age 10, she was abducted but Todd Satoga who was her mother’s ex-husband because he wanted to hurt her mother for leaving him. He saw this as the only way to get back at her. Anna’s living space was the size of a box. The outside of her door had multiple locks to keep her from escaping. All her room contains is a worn out mattress and a small green toilet. Her mattress has so many holes to the point you could see the springs and her toilet was even worst. It has never been cleaning since she was put into that room and it gives out a foul odor. When Anna was first taken, she had shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes. Now her hair is down to her waist, her once bright blue eyes are dull and her skin is sickly pale. She looks anorexic now because she is barely fed. Every Tuesday and Saturday anna gets beat to the point she can barely breath. He gives her enough time to heal before he could cause more damage. He told her the first couple of beatings that he wants her to feel what he felt when her mother left him. Over the 5 year her beatings got even worst that she had to be hospitalized 4 times. “You look exactly like your mother," said Todd told Anna before she passed out from her last beating. Somedays todd comes home livid from work. He uses Anna as a punching bag to release all his frustrations. Anna has always been trying to escape but never made it far. The last time she escaped was when she went to the hospital for her broken hand. After she got her cast she said she was going to the bathroom. Little did they know she was actually going to the front desk to tell them she’s been abducted for 5 years and they needed to help her before Todd comes. When Todd realized what was going on he ran over and