Throughout history, there have been many great heroes. A hero is someone who does something extraordinary that many others cannot do or just do not have the courage or heart to do. When people think of heroes they probably think of Superman and Batman. We forget about the people in a community around us that have done extraordinary things in a time of need. A hero is more than just a cape and a cool costume. A hero is someone who gives hope to the people around him, or her, and makes them believe that they can achieve what they are striving towards. Heroes are people who make a positive mark on the society around them anyway they can and these heroes may include mythological heroes, modern day popular culture heroes, and heroes who have impacted modern society. A mythological example of a hero is Heracles. Heracles starts off his heroic life when he chooses the path of virtue over pleasure. The path of pleasure is where everything is given to him whereas the path of virtue he has to work for his things. By choosing this path is can be determined that he wants his life to be about helping people and not all about him. He wants to help the people around him and make their lives better. This is shown when Heracles shows up at a house right after the king’s wife had died. He broke the host rule and asked why everyone was so down. He realized he made a mistake so he did something that shows he really cared. He went to the graveyard and brought the kings wife back from the dead. No average person would to that or even think about doing that. That is what makes Heracles such a special immortal. He made one mistake but then fixed it with something unimaginable to any person. It couldn't have been safe going to revive a dead person but he knew he should do it because it is the right thing to do. The movie Cinderella Man portrays James J Braddock as a world-class fighter. He was fighting at Madison Square Garden and was one of the