
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Transcendentalist

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“Emerson became known as the central figure of his literary and philosophical group now known as the American Transcendentalists” (“Ralph Waldo”) Now when someone reads his poetry you can find elements of transcendentalism. In his poem “Give all to Love” Ralph Waldo Emerson writes “Give all to love; / obey thy heart.” This quote gives the reader a spiritual element to the poem. It tells the reader that one must try their best at whatever they love and follow ones heart not with what seems to be a good idea. Another poem that Emerson uses aspects of transcendentalism is “Art”, “Let statue, picture, park, and hall,/ Ball, flag and festival,” These lines used art, he included liberal arts terms like statue , picture, and festival. Emerson expresses his transcendental beliefs in his writings through his use of rhetorical devices and these beliefs are still important today. “Emerson and the American Transcendentalists believed that they shared a key belief that each individual could transcend, or move beyond, the physical world of senses into deeper spiritual experience through free will and intuition” (“Ralph Waldo”). To begin with, in the essay Nature by Emerson, he uses powerful lines to portray the meaning of Transcendentalism. “If a man would be alone, let him look at the stars.” This line gives the reader the spiritual part of transcendentalism and gives the reader the rhetorical device, figurative language, by telling the reader figuratively that no one is alone and can get help when it is necessary, by those people that they love. Following along Emerson also refers to heaven as the “city of God.” This also uses figurative language and has a spiritual essence to it. Emerson doesn’t literally mean there is a city up in the clouds or in the stars he simply wants the reader to feel more persuaded by the idea that there is a heaven and the spiritual feeling in the phrase. The third one is, “Th

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