At this very moment, a child has been beaten has has no one to go to. She doesn't know who she can trust or who can help her. Even her own home isn't safe, because that is where her abuser resides. This girl is a victim of child abuse, and because our society doesn't want to think about such horrible occurrences, she has no way of knowing how to escape. Although our government has programs to try and help children like this innocent girl, it still isn't enough to get her out or solve the issue at hand. According to Child Help USA, more than four children die every day as a result of child abuse, and while that doesn’t sound like much if you look at it long term that’s about 1460 children per year. In addition, the children who do survive their maltreatment are about 9 times more likely to become involved in criminal activities, and about 30% later abuse their own children. Child mistreatment is a vicious cycle with harsh consequences, and although our government is addressing this issue, there are still a lot of problems we encounter. One of the biggest difficulties met when tackling the issue of child abuse is that no one wants to talk about it. As the Children’s Advocacy Center states on their website, child abuse is an uncomfortable topic that most people want to avoid due to the fact that it shows how vulnerable we are as parents and as communities. Likewise, when people feel uncomfortable talking about it, society doesn’t want to help either because it isn’t a popular topic. So, it isn’t widely discussed and the awareness for this cause is low. Another complication met when facing this problem are the myths circulating it as a result of the lack of awareness. For instance, some people believe it is only abuse if it’s violent or that child abuse only happens in bad families. All of these statements are false and according to The Help Guide, child abuse counts as sexual, physical, or emotional harm to a child, and it