“I bear a charmed life, which must not yield, to one of woman born” (5.8.12-13). How would a person react if told that they are to become a king or will die to almost no one? According to Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, a person’s ambition can drive them to their goals but may ultimately lead them to their demise. Macbeth was given a prophecy by three witches that states that he would be king of Scotland and would not die to anyone born of a woman. A great deal for him, but first he would need to kill King Duncan. After he commits the treacherous crime he is raised to the throne and begins his fall into hysteria. Macbeth changed from a loyal, admired, and courageous friend into a scheming, treacherous murderer ignited with a promise of kingship by three witches. Accordingly, Macbeth’s prophecy was his first catalyst to begin this journey of greed. Three witches came to Macbeth and his friend Banquo, tempting them with prophecy and the future. Macbeth is curious and asks of his future. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (1.3.51). As a loyal soldier, becoming a king was an extraordinary idea to Macbeth. The thought of giving, not receiving orders and having the prestige of being a king began to cloud Macbeth’s mind of his loyalties to his friends and his already admirable life (Macbeth in Macbeth). “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical” (1.3.139). Ambition was taking a toll on Macbeth. He was no longer satisfied with the title of a Thane. Macbeth planned on getting his crown, even if it meant the death of his friend. Macbeth’s next push towards the crown and towards damnation came from his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth, a strong, dominant, and manipulative woman, received a letter from Macbeth telling her of how the prophecy was coming true. Macbeth believed this so because he was given an additional title as Thane of Cawdor after his victory in battle. Ambitious herself, she develops a