
My Standards for Writing Well

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What makes a, “good writer?” Is it the content of what someone writes about, or the way in which they write it? There isn’t just one answer, every person has a different definition of a good writer. I believe that a good writer is someone who has their own unique style of writing. A style in which their writing is simple, but not simplistic; additionally, they can anticipate questions of the reader. Throughout a student's academic career, they are forced to read novels and stories, each one seemingly more boring than the last. The plots drone on, and the text is difficult to interpret. So much time is spent trying to decode the meaning to a story, that it may not be worth the time and effort spent. Through reading these dreadful novels, I have personally realized that I really enjoy writing which is simple to understand, but not too basic. I appreciate being able to clearly interpret what the writer has said, it makes the story more enjoyable to read. Another thing I’ve noticed about the literature that I’ve had to read throughout my education, is that all of the styles of writing seemed identical to me. There’s not one novel that stands out to me. However, when I began straying from the reading I was assigned, and began reading novels of my own choice, I realized the many different ways in which authors write. I have a deep appreciation for authors in which can create a style of writing that is so unique, that you could tell it from anyone else’s. I believe that writers whom are talented enough to have their own style of writing, are the best writers. Lastly, a good writer can anticipate, and answer questions that their readers may have. This quality is important to me because I am a very inquisitive person. It means a lot to me when a writer takes the time to address the questions that I have about the writing. John Green is the author in which I base my standards for a good writer. Green's writing flows perfectly in

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