My phone sat in my back pocket, while I chatted with some friends during lunch. It was a few days until the last day of school. We would be graduating in a matter of days, and I was excited. There was a loud ping from my pocket. and I jumped slightly not realizing my ringer had been on all day. “You better turn that off,” my friend says from the other side of the table. I give her my signature look, and pull it out of my pocket. It’s a notification from twitter, probably just some random from school following me, because we go to the same school. I turned the ringer off, and clicked the little note. I’m alerted to seven new followers, and at quick glance I see that I was right, random people from school. However, one image catches my eye, and I can’t help but feel my heart beat quicken. The icon is familiar, and when I look at the name on the list of followers I’m convinced it has to be some sort of joke. I clicked on the picture of the blond boy, with amazing blue eyes, and his profile pops up. I start to shake slightly looking up at my friends in disbelief. Was I dreaming? I had to be. Luke didn’t really follow me! “What?” my friends start to ask repeatedly, while I sit there like a fish out of water; my mouth opening and closing rapidly, as I try and think of what to say. I’m in complete shock, and I don’t know how to get out of it. Part of me wants to run around screaming and jumping. I would even break out into song, if I wouldn’t get in trouble. “He followed me!!” I shout once I’m recovered enough to speak. “Who?” they ask. “Luke, that’s who!” I answer back still bubbling with excitement. I start bouncing in my seat, and the girls look at me like I’ve gone crazy. They roll their eyes, not understanding why I care so much. They like him, but they don’t love them. They don’t fawn over his every move, and they don’t twitter stalk him, hoping for a follow. They start to laugh while I ra