
Hindu Perspectives on Nostra Aetate

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Nostra Aetate is geared toward answering many of the questions that people struggle with in human life. One of the essential questions that this church document works to address, is the question of what man is. If one were to look at this question through the lens of Hinduism, one would find an answer to the question regarding the existence, and purpose of being in the world. The Hindu faith states, “And as the rivers that flow from the east to the west merge in the sea and become one with it, forgetting that they were ever separate rivers, so all creatures lose their separateness when they merge into pure Being." Essentially, Hindus believe that all beings, become one with each other, throughout the course of human life. One can make the assertion that, according to the Hindu tradition of faith, man is a being that becomes one with all other beings. All beings may be born separate from one another, but they will, eventually lose that separateness when they become pure. This seems to be an essential aspect of the Hindu perspective, regarding the purpose and existence of man. After analyzing several Hindu texts, one will notice that equality among men seems to be another theme in this faith. Hindu people believe that all people are created equally, and are one with each other. The text states, “Because of perceiving the Self in all beings and all beings in the Self; a yogi, who is in union with the Self, sees every being with an equal eye” (6.29). This leads one to believe that Hindu people, believe that their gods see all people with, "one eye," as stated in the text. If that one eye is a mode in which Hindu gods promote equality, then it seems as if equality among people is another key element of the Hindu perspective. Influencing their beliefs on the existence, and purpose of man in the world. Hinduism also compares people to the likes of a grain of salt in water. The text states, “The self is in all things, and there is n

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