My family can be very depressing, and sometimes very happy. Most of all, my family is the only people who have supported me throughout my life. This is what I love about them. When it comes to the families depicted in books, there are mostly a happy ones, and abusive ones. In reality, they are more just the normal ones, but let me tell you mine. I consider my family as the best, and perfect family. I belong to a middle-class nuclear family, with my mother, father, brother, and me. That's just 4. My mother has a small figure, and a kind attitude. She has worked as a nurse for several years, until now. Then there is my father, who is totally strict when it comes to my studies. He used to work as a technician, but now he is a learning support to a student with special needs. I used to hate him, because I thought he wanted me as a perfect child. Finally, my brother. He's a very caring and wise brother. As a student, he taught me how to love friends, family, and everybody else. As for me me... well, I'm me. I'm naughty and okay. Everyone in my family is hardworking, loving, and caring. Well, except me, because I'm sometimes lazy. Almost everybody has the same taste of music, the 80's. Not only that, but we also have similar personalities. When there's a conflict, we can always solve it. When someone's negative, we make them feel positive. However, there is my father who has mood swings. My mother also buys a lot of stuff. The good thing about that, is that she bought us a lot of books, as my brother and I loved reading and collecting story books. My brother and I argue sometimes, but then problems are solved in the end. I love my family no matter what, and we support to each other. Since I'm the youngest, they taught me how to be a good citizen, and how to love everybody with all of your heart. They were also the ones who led me to the hands of God as a child. Sometimes they make me feel insecure, but they always apologize to me. They eve