
Importance of Fishing Licenses

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Water makes up more than 70% of the earth’s surface, and is home to far more vertebrae than the dry portions (Brown 1). That being the case, fishing has been around for a long time. There is evidence that the Chinese developed the first fishing rod, and fishing actually dates back to Bible days (“Fishing” 2). In Genesis 1:20-21, “God said, let the water teem with living creaturesso God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing which the water teems” (New International Version). Then again in Matthew, Jesus feeds large crowds of people, with fish people brought with them to hear Him speak (Matt. 14.13-21 & 15.29-39). So the question is raised, should people have to have a fishing license to be able to fish? Evidence shows, a fishing license not only protects the fish population, but helps insure the fisherman a catch in the future as well. Different states have the similar reasons for charging a fee to fish. Anyone who is aged 16-64 that wants to fish with a rod and reel, must have a fishing license issued by the state they are fishing in. The state of Alabama spends 100% of their license fees on management, protection, and education about Alabama’s natural resources. The license fee also helps Alabama gain matching funds from the federal government, to support the, “protection and enhancement,” of Alabama’s water resources (“Licenses” 1). Florida, on the other hand, uses their license fee to, “provide optimum sustained use of Florida’s fishing resources” (FAQs 2). The money generated from licenses, also goes to help the federal government. This compensates up to 75% of the costs borne by the states, for fish conversations and management programs. There are things that could happen if people were allowed to fish without a license. Back in the nineteenth century, people didn’t need a license to go fishing, but there weren’t as many peopl

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