The World Wide Web is the best thing to strike society since color television. Since the web got off to a jump start in the late 1990’s, the has web gained even more success in the twenty-first century. Before the web became popular, people seemed to have no issues with researching, getting tasks done, and communicating, that has all changed. The World Wide Web has aided society to complete tasks on the go, or from the comfort of their homes, at the click of a mouse. Society is allowing the web to take over, and aid their everyday lives. It’s convenient and helps to make tasks in peoples everyday lives easier. Computers, smartphones, tablets, and even videogames allow you to now take the web on the go. The web is allowing many tasks that people once conducted face-to-face, to be done in the comfort of home. People are using the web to search and apply for jobs, but to also conduct interviews. There is no longer a need to stand in long lines, the web has made it so that everything can arrive at your front door, without going to the store. Many are also using the web in order to obtain degrees, because it allows you to work at your own pace, and gives you the comfort of not having to be in a traditional classroom setting. Students are no longer spending long hours doing drastic research in the library, now all the information is at the click of a mouse. One major way that the web has aided society, is the way that it communicates. People no longer send out letters. Most people now use emails and other social media such as Facebook, and Twitter. The web has become so popular, that people can’t seem to go without it for a few hours, without checking emails, forums, blogs, and social media. No one seems to mind that they are being aided by society, it allows them instant access to family and friends. The web has also had a major role in how people are meeting and having romantic relationships. With the help of dating sites like Zo