
The Many Benefits of Exercise

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Too many people do not get as much physical activity as they should. They ignore how important it is for the body to get exercise daily. Exercising daily helps people live a healthier life by preventing many diseases, keeping the body at a healthy weight, and giving you plenty of energy to get through life. One of the main reasons to exercise is to control your body weight. Fifty-five percent of American people are either overweight, or obese. Obesity occurs when a person takes in more calories than they use. This can happen by overeating, eating fatty foods, and not being physically active. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) in the range of twenty-four to twenty-nine are overweight. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. People should aim to achieve at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. If you are overweight though, you should aim to exercise an hour a day, at least five times a week (HealthLine). Many people believe that fast paced exercises are needed to lose weight faster, but it is actually the complete opposite. It has been proven that slower paced, exercises that last longer will help a person achieve faster weight loss than the high paced exercises (Livestrong). Another reason to exercise is it boosts energy, and improves moods. Several studies have shown that daily exercise helps improve moods in people that suffer from mild to moderate depression. When a person exercises, your body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that flow through the body, that improve immunity and reduces the bodies’ perception of pain. Your bodies’ temperature also rises while doing any type of physical activity, which has a calming effect on the body. Exercises can also help a person gain confidence, and allows you to get more social interaction. While exercising you should set goals that you plan on reaching. Meeting those goals will increase your confidence and make you want to c

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