Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was born on the 6 of May 1953 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was the son of Leo and Hanzel Blair, his father was a barrister affiliated with the Conservative Party which was in power at this period of time. Tony Blair studied Law at St John College of Oxford and gratuaded in 1975. He became more and more involved in the Labour Party and was elected to the House of Commons to the seat of Sedgefield in 1983. He entered the Shadow Cabinet as the Shadow home Secretary with John Smith as Leader of the Labour Party, but when the latter died in 1994, Tony Blair seazed the opportunity and was elected Party leader with 57% of support after an agreement with Gordon saying that Gordon Brown will be the his eventual successor. Tony Blair wanted to reform The Labour Party, hans the name New Labour which for example. consisted in decreasing the important of the state in the economy namely less nationnalization in favour of the free market, he wanted to reduce the links between the union trades which had been higly criticcized under the Callaghan's government. Under his leadership, the Labour Party heavily defeated the Conservatives in nationwide general elections held in 1997 and then in 2001 and finally 2005.At this day, Tony Blair is the Labour Party's longest-serving prime minister, the only person to lead the party to three consecutive general election victories. Through this presentation, we will see his work in the domestic policy in a first moment, and in a second moment his actions in Foreing affairs which made him a divisive figure. To begin with, the Blair government’s first major initiative granted the Bank of England the power to determine interest rates without government consultation. Moreover, during Blair's first term, many constitutional changes happened : firstly, the devolution in Scotland and Wales in other words a Scottish Parliament, and a Welsh Assembly were established by Law in Sepember 1997. Secondly, most of the hereditary peers were removed from the House of Lord in 1999 by the House of Lords Act : the lords had to be appointed. And rhirdly, several policies were established regarding gay, lesbian and transgender during his first term which would lead in 2004 to the Civil Partnership Act which legally recognizes partnership betwee