
Nurtition and the Nova Scotian Media

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Food Insecurity In her article, "The Dilemma Between Healthy Eating and Staying Above the Poverty Line," Jane Taber addresses food insecurity issues in Nova Scotia. The article is written in response to a story on a single Nova Scotian mother’s inability to provide nutritious food for her and eight children. For this reason, the article focuses on how food insecurity affects households in Nova Scotia and Canada. These households fail to provide enough food for their families for they lack adequate means to afford required nutritional needs. To support the main idea, the author argues that over 1.7 million families encounter food insecurity due to income issues. Further, Nova Scotia has the highest food insecurity rates in Canada with Halifax leading among big cities on the same, according to a study in Canadian Journal of Public Health and Statistic Data Canada. Secondly, the article indicates that income inequality affects food security not only in Nova Scotia, but throughout the country. This is supported by a Nova Scotian single mother who indicates that her income constraints facilitate her struggle to provide nutritious meals for her family. Further, a report by Mount Saint Vincent University professor shows that nutrition affordability is a problem faced by full-time employed breadwinners. Thirdly, due to food insecurity, many households are at risk of illnesses attributed from poor nutrition such as high blood pressure, obesity and heart diseases. Accordingly, a research done by University of Toronto professor highlights the implication of food insecurity on individual health and Canadian health care system. The reportage is balanced and true since the writer offers a systematic analysis of issues. Starting with nutritional issues faced by a single mother in Nova Scotia up to national concerns enhanced by food insecurity, it is convincing. Therefore, the article is very informative since the writer’s own opinion rarely features in the article. This enhances validity of article’s point of view through reliable and credible sources of information; hence food insecurity is a nutrition issue in Nova Scotia and Canada that needs to be addressed holistically. Food Security Natasha Pace addresses food security in, Food Security in Nova Scotia a Complex Issue that must be addressed: report. This attributes from challenges faced throughout Nova Scotia province limiting access to healthy and nutritious foods. By supporting Taber (2014) views on issues affecting food security, the writer argues that food security problems result from low income and relying on food banks provisions. To address these problems, Nova Scotia needs to produce enough food for its citizens. To become food secure, first, Nova Scotia needs to develop holistic and sustainable plans. This includes increasing and supporting local production of food. Secondly, farming and fishing are sectors identified as answers to address Nova Scotia food insecurity. Howev

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