On August 9th, America set back its clock from 2014 to 1960. A black, unarmed eighteen-year-old male, Michael Brown, was fatally shot by white police officer, Darren Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri. From August up until today in December, Ferguson and the rest of the world, has been in a state of unrest, protesting the injustice of the shooting of Michael Brown. The topic at hand is the white supremacy and privilege that protects and surrounds us each day while dehumanizing people of color. Since the fateful day of shooting several things have happened that shaped the way we should look at inequality between the races. It is important to keep in mind that ( Forbes 2014) “between 1990 and 2010, Ferguson’s racial composition shifted dramatically with the black population rising from 25 percent to 67 percent. Meanwhile, the white population plummeted from 74 percent to just 29 percent.” It is important to keep this in mind, while looking at the steps taken against the Ferguson's citizens, who are predominantly black. Since the shooting and the denial to indict officer Darren Wilson, protests in Ferguson were very peaceful, but large in number, many people marching down the street chanting “hands up don’t shoot”.” Then just two days later things quickly became tense, when police officers began using tear gas, and rubber bullets to break apart the protestors, later brining in SWAT teams to urge people to return to their homes. That only seemed to add fuel to the fire as many people viewed brining in the SWAT team as a way to quite people and to get them to stop protesting. At this point the whole country was watching the events of Ferguson unfold, and on August 14th the SWAT team was pulled from Ferguson and replaced with the Missouri State Highway Patrol immediately following this decision a new police commander was put in charge, Ron Johnson. This seemed to have calmed things down a bit as Ron Johnson was a man of color and walked in solidarity with the protestors. Tensions cooled a bit as a spokes person said, “They respect us let us respect them.” But, shortly after this time of peace things became hostile again when Ferguson's governor declared a state of emergency. The National Guards where brought in using, LRAD’s and tear gas on the protestors of Ferguson. From this point on, the whole world was paying attention to Ferguson, many people awaited to see if Darren Wilson would be indicted for the death of Michael Brown. Whe