
Class Speech - The Possibility of Happiness

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Ladies and gentlemen, Before we get started, please let me introduce the roles of our team. I, ___________, as the 1st Speaker, will define our motion for today and present the first argument. Our 2nd Speaker, ________, will rebut the arguments of the government’s 1st Speaker and present the second and third arguments. Our 3rd speaker, ___________, will rebut all arguments of the Opposition team. The reply speech will be given by ___________ , our ______ speaker. The government team has given their definition for the motion today. We, the opposition agree with their definition. However, we would still like to put forward our definition of the motion from our point of view according to our position as the opposition/perspective of the issue at hand. According to the online Free Dictionary ‘Happy’ means being in a state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions of contentment. ‘Impossible’ means ‘beyond the bounds of possibility’ or ‘out of the question’ while ‘perfectly’ means ‘to a complete or full degree or extent.’ Thus, we the opposition are here to totally refute the motion that it is impossible to be perfectly happy. Perfect happiness is achieved not only when you have everything that you desire, Neither is it attained through physical wonders like money, cars, a mansion, but is attained through a state of mind in which you cherish what you own. It is possible to be perfectly happy even if you are poor, without a penny to your name. But if you are contented with what you have and appreciate the things you have in life then you are perfectly happy human being. Some people may need love to fill the void, but some find success sufficient. In other words you don’t need to have both to feel complete. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions of being complete. We can’t change everything but we can change the way we experience

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