
HIV and the AIDS Epidemic

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The epidemic of AIDS in the United States has been seen as both a biomedical phenomenon as well as a social phenomenon since the 1980s. More so as a social phenomenon for the simple fact that many individuals are ignorant to the specifics about AIDS. A lot of individuals believe that AIDS is a disease that is contagious and can easily be spread, with minimal contact. However they are unaware of the idea that AIDS is spread through bodily fluids. AIDS has also become a societal issue because of the stereotypes associated with it. AIDS is believed to predominant amongst gay males, although AIDS is not limited to sexuality, race, age, etc. AIDS/HIV has become more of a social phenomenon since there has yet to be a cure discovered. An article that focuses on the social impacts of AIDS says, “socially, it is an event that disrupts the life of a community and causes uncertainty, fear, blame, and flight” ( While medically, it is based on appearance and fatalities growing each year. When it comes to AIDS, it’s hard to examine this issue on the medical level being that there is no cure. The only things that are provided for this disease are medications and tests to help diagnosis properly. The idea that there is no cure leaves individuals feeling hopeless and doubtful, creating a disease that is socially bound. Due to the information regarding this disease, things such as the behavioral, political, legal, and economical involvement are all considered forms of a social phenomenon. Having AIDS/ HIV affects the individual more so on a social aspect than it does of the medial aspect. There are medications that help decrease the severity, without interfering with the longevity of ones life. While socially, these individuals have to deal with being ostracized by individuals who are aware of their circumstances (intimately and casually), discrimination with employment, and having their appearance change due to the deterioration of thei

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