With the growth of technology its use in the classroom is on the rise. From the use of advanced scientific calculators to the new age computer tablets, people are finding and creating new and inventive ways to use technology to enhance the learning process. Since 2000, the number of computing devices has exponentially increased in the lives of students compared to the decades prior. The use of some technology had difficulties integrating in its use and struggled to show its advantages and applications in the classroom. This struggle is constantly being seen in the classroom because of the amount of technology and computing power that one can possess in this day and age. The use of technology has its use in education at all levels and can especially be handy in the secondary and post-secondary world of learning. There have been a number of advances in technology that have been created for use in the classroom, which have since modified the role of students in learning and the methods in which students study and learn. The devices that have emerged in the educational realm are used by students to learn, retain information, and succeed in the classroom are the calculator and the desktop computer. The calculator is a device that many people use and have been using since they were in school. There has always been controversy over new technology being used inside of school systems and the calculator has seen its fair share of controversy. In 1997, California legislation would prohibit the use of calculators in schools prior to the sixth grade, but the state of Virginia purchased 200,000 graphing calculators to be used by all middle school and high school math students[Aye12]. Studies have shown that the use of calculators along with traditional paper-and-pencil instruction enhances the learning of basic skills [Aye12]. In the 1980s, the use of the desktop computer was introduced for use in the United States of America and struggled to find its place in the school system. Throughout the late 1980s and into the mid-1990s, the use and development of computers in the classroom allowed for students to search for information and conduct research. This process has since grown exponentially bigger and continues to grow with the publication of more reliable information an