One of the most famous fairy tales, "Snow White" has been well-known as a romantic comedy, showing that a fair prince will rescue the adorable yet miserable princess and live happily ever after, while the foes will be punished at the end. However, the theme of the story have been romanticized by the people. According to Kirszner and Mandell (Kirszner, Mandell 1994), the theme of Snow White can be concluded as “ignorance," with the evidence between lines. In the following paragraph, analysis of plot and characters will be focused on its ignorance, and therefore, be reflected to our daily lives. Ignorance are the symbols of the characters in Snow White. Snow White, as the main heroine of the story, reveals her ignorance throughout the whole story. At first, she believes her stepmother by following the huntsman blindly, not knowing that he is going to kill her. She can barely survived by begging him and gets into seven dwarf’s house unconsciously. She ignored the danger of wandering in the forest and getting into stranger’s house recklessly. The recklessness applied into situation by using the comb which is offered by an old, weird witch. She had no idea of approaching jeopardy even though the dwarfs has warned her before. Snow White shows her ignorance when the evil witch tries to kill her again. Snow White seems to be more careful this time, yet, the naive girl has been deceived by the old woman again. The action of opening the door is indeed an impetuous decision as the seven dwarfs have warned her not to open the door for anyone. Obviously, she fails to think twice before her leap and let the same stranger in again and kill her. For the third time, the witch gives her a poisonous apple and seduced her to try it. The simple-hearted princess has no idea of being killed for two times despite the dwarfs have warned her for many times. She falls into the same trap and this time, being “killed” by the wicked witch. She is a inno