In the "Last Night that She Lived" by Emily Dickinson, Dickinson develops the idea that though death may be a tragedy to loved ones left behind, it is in fact a peaceful euphoria for the departing. Dickinson does not take the traditional approach in describing the death of this woman. Instead , she describes the departing from life as a casual affair. Almost as if she is trying to console herself, as if it happens all the time. Through the use of diction, juxtaposition, and personification, Dickinson develops a poem that is anxious for the final departing of this woman. Dickinson begins the first stanza with "The last night that she lived, it was a common night, except for the dying." This except reveals that the departing of this woman was of no significance to the speaker. Dickinson conveyed this moment as if it was a normal occurrence that occurred all the time. Dickinson uses words such as "final", "passed", and "infinite" to illustrate death as a halt to a human beings physical existence. However, it is not the end for their soul.In the beginning it seem as if the speaker is in denial and she does not want to express what she is truly feeling.The speaker avoids really speaking on the subject.The speaker all the way to the end anticipates the ending .She also uses the word "we" in the last stanza to put emphasis on the death of this woman. This lets the readers know that they are the ones who wanted to take care of her. In addition to the use of diction, Dickinson also uses juxtaposition to convey her message. She uses death in lines thirteen and fourteen, Dickinson conveys that their is a reinvented joy of living that accompanies death, She states " others could exist" however "she must finish." This emphasizes the freedom that living brings. In contrast, the following lines suggest the opposite stating that " a jealousy for her arose." This jealousy reflects the blame that Dickinson speaks on earlier in the poem. Dickinson makes