
Short Story - Lady Lightning

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Nilin Farron was late, really, really late. Eden City University might be the most prestigious university in the country, but whoever was responsible for its timetable was an evil, evil person. Honestly, what kind of monster would schedule Mathematics 1901 at 8 o'clock in the morning? And if running late for her early morning class was not bad enough, it had also started to rain and she had forgotten to bring her umbrella. She sighed. If only her sister Raiden had not been scheduled for an early morning shift with the Guardian Corps, she might have been able to get a ride to university. A frown crossed her face. Her sister had transferred from Bodhum's Guardian Corps to the Guardian Corps in Eden City so that they could stay together while Nilin was at university. However, as the newbie, her sister had been stuck working the worst shifts. It was selfish, but sometimes, Nilin just wished that her sister would quit the Guardian Corps. The pay might be good, but the hours were long and the work was dangerous. Nilin would not mind if maybe they had a little less money if it meant that she could spend more time with her sister and less time worrying about her. The train pulled to a stop and Nilin winced as everyone started to push and shove toward the exit of the station. She had been in Eden City for a month now, and she still could not get used to how pushy everyone was. Back in Bodhum, people had been much more laidback. Here, everyone seemed to be in a hurry. After a great deal of pushing and shoving, she finally managed to get out of the station and she headed for the bus stop. Along the way, she caught sight of a newspaper stand. The headline brought a smile to her lips: Lady Lightning Saves the Day Again! She was a big fan of superheroes, and Lady Lightning was her favorite one. She'd been a little disappointed to move away from Bodhum – Lady Lightning seemed to spend a lot of time there – but luckily for her, Lady Lightning seemed to have moved to Eden City as well. Nilin was so caught up in her thoughts that she did not notice the person running along the sidewalk until they bumped right into her. The force of the collision knocked her toward the road and she let out a cry as she slipped over a big puddle and fell onto the road – right into the path of an oncoming bus. "Watch out!" someone yelled. But it was too late. Nilin could only stare as the bus loomed over her, as big as a mountain, and just as heavy. She swallowed thickly and closed her eyes. There was no way that she would survive this. She was going to get run over by a bus and it would probably be all over the news and her sister would be all alone and – BOOM. Crunch. There was the crack of thunder and then the crunch of crumpled metal and when several seconds ticked past

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