
Movie Overview - Boy

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The film "Boy," directed by Taika Waititi, is a very interesting film made in New Zealand. It follows the story of the main character, Boy, an 11 year old boy who finally gets a chance to know his father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago. There were several important events in this film, but the main one was when Boy gets high on marijuana, and realizes that Alamein, his father was never there for him or his mother. Through this event, Boy’s view of his father changes in a negative manner, and Boy also begins to respect Rocky, his brother and finds responsibility and maturity within himself. The director, Waititi, uses several visual and oral techniques, such as dialogue, flashbacks, non-diegetic sound and point of view shots to show Boy’s change in attitude towards his father. When Boy gets high on marijuana and sits on the bridge, he sees flashbacks of when his mother was pregnant, and when she died. From these flashbacks, he realized his father was never there, he wasn’t there when his mother was pregnant or when she died. It was at this point that Boy realized the truth about his father (Alamein) and that he had created false images of Alamein all these years. This is captured perfectly by the director, Waititi, who uses the point of view shot effectively to capture Boy falling backwards from the bridge through Boy’s eyes, and showed us how he felt at that moment. It showed us that Boy’s world turned upside down, literally, as he found out the truth about Alamein. This realization of his father’s reality leads to an outburst of anger. Waititi’s use of dialogue shows this well as Boy says “I’m nothing like you!” in rage to Alamein. This shows he has finally given in to the fact that his father isn’t what he thought, and in reality, Alamein is not someone to look up to. This event had both positive and negative effects on Boy. Positive because Boy’s finally saw the real person his fa

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