The best college athletes have fame beyond some of their wildest dreams. They win championships and are icons for young athletes everywhere. Most would think that these superstars would be driving around in sports cars or flying in private jets. Those people are very wrong. The truth is that no college athlete is being paid for their success. To some people this is a major issue and they believe that college athletes should be paid for their efforts. To others it is a ridiculous idea that amateur athletes should be paid. College athletes are hard workers and have a lot on their plates with school, sports and a social life to attend to, but is that enough that they should be paid? Every college athlete makes the same amount of money for playing their sport - nothing. They don’t get money for winning championships or setting records. Now in the professional world, you would be making millions upon millions for such accolades. In college athletics however they don’t see a dime of the millions of dollars that the colleges make off of them at each and every competition. These college athletes a lot of times have trouble coming up with money for food or just basic essentials. A lot of people would argue however that the scholarships that athletes receive should be more than enough to compensate their efforts. In some cases this would seem fair. It doesn’t seem fair however when coaches are making millions of dollars and television stations are making tens of millions of dollars, as are video game companies. Student athletes are however getting degrees from top universities that can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Some people will say college athletes should be paid, others will disagree. That is just the way these types of things work sometimes. It is much easier to get a good understanding of where these people are coming from if you hear it from their point of view. College athletes should be paid. They work just as hard if