The foundation of Western Civilization was laid out by the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, they were the first to develop organized and structured societies, and created the ideas that we tie in with civilization. The people in Mesopotamia and Egypt also developed cities and writing techniques in order to keep records and write historic events. There was lots of development on social and religious basis that guided them on how to handle basic problems of their time. They even built historic and stupendous structures to worship and please their gods, praise the power they hold, and to conserve their culture. In 1792 B.C. King Hammurabi brought all of Mesopotamia under his leadership and rule, he lead the military and was known to be a wise governor. He wrote the first code of laws, which had 282 laws that covered all aspects of daily life. His laws were applied by a person’s social status; it was the first written code of laws visible to citizens. His code would later influence other ancient civilizations and societies were made to be run by complex laws like Hammurabi’s. The fact that a society in fact can be governed by a set of laws has influenced our legal system that we have and follow by today. The law alone saves a society from being overruled by too much power. The code and law also creates order and stability needed for a civilized society. The Egyptians also learned how to use the resources around them to help stabilize their way of life. The Nile surrounded Egypt and was their only source of water; the Nile kept the land fertile. The Egyptians learned how to grow crops and reuse seeds of plants, this flourished their trading and they use the Nile for the way of traveling through water. Egyptians also began to develop medicines and remedies to heal the sick. Their higher knowledge with astronomy led them to create a calendar with 365 days which we still use today. The Greeks learned how to navigate the seas from the Egyptians. Because the Greece was so rocky and hilly it was hard for them to grow crops so they took the way of the Egyptians and took advantage of the sea. They learned how to trade their goods for food which would later lead to the crusade. Greeks also became more interested in science, many Philosophers developed from this time period. Questions began to arise about how things worked, if there were gods and what made things happen. Greeks also wrote the first plays in history which would influence the beliefs of the people and they held the first events of athleticism. The Civilization of the Greeks is known as the fountainhead of Western Culture. The Greek Philosophers excelled in their understanding of the world and knowledge. They helped make out world as we know it today by contributing to the theories of the arts, man, realism, politics, education, and logic. They created the fundamentals of education as we know it today, and wanted everyone to understand the world clearly weather that went against the church and laws or not; they believed in truth and curiosity. Socrates’s goal towards education was to improve each individual and believed that everyone has their own knowledge within themselves. He taught that one has to uses critical examination in order to bring their knowledge forward. Plato one of the greatest philosophers of Western Civilization focused on the ideas of government and universal principles. Plato’s ideal state was for society to function harmoniously and he focused on having guardians/rulers that focused on what’s best for the community. He created allegory of the cave which said that man must first examine their self in order to understand the world. Plato also established a school in which another great philosopher Aristotle attended. Aristotle named three good forms of government which were the monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government. This played a humongous role in the Western thought through the Middle Ages. Another philosopher Aristarchus believed that the Earth rotated on an axis which was proven to be correct even to this day. The Greeks influenced the Romans in many ways from politic to religion. The Greek and Roman gods were the identified as the same just with different names. For example the king of all gods for the Greeks was Zeus and for the Romans it was Jupiter. The Romans just adopted the Greek gods and just made them warlike. Like the Greeks Rome adopted the Republic and like the Greeks they elected their officials who included 300 members of congress and 2 senators. Their government also used the checks and balances system which the United States government uses as well. Roman writing was like Greek writing as well, they used the same ideas and stories and also created realistic sculptures which began by the Greeks. The Punic war began in 265 B.C. and was a war between Carthage and Rome, due to that problem that Rome kept expanding their empire and was trying to take over already claimed land. Carthage also l