The result of being interested in the Gospel of the Lord is that it can change life style and our habits. The gospel’s significant affection through our life will start in our mind, next through our heart and finally we will be able to live with it. The Gospel of the Lord is like a sword has a sharp end that can kill a person’s life. (Note: kill means change) Because the word of God has its truth so the time that we hear it our consciousness will start to work and because of it we will think hardly. It will either change our life, or remain unchanged. The word of God has a cycle showing how we change and how we make others change too. First, there is an instrument of God who He will use for sharing His Gospel and that instrument will testify how God moved his life and change it. During the time that he shares, we listen. Second, while listening, our consciousness will start on analyzing it. After we analyze and prove that what he is saying is the truth, this is the time where we believe. Third, once a person who believes in something, he becomes curious and thinks about how it feels of he.she tries it. We will live by the words that we believe for. Therefore, our cycle is done and it is successful. The person like who received the gospel will now start living that same way the instrument of God living. We are amazed on the result and we want others to experience it too. (Once a person is amazed on something he wants others to be amazed too) so this is the time we preach. The result of being interested in the Gospel of the Lord is that it can change life style and our habits. The gospel’s significant affection through our life will start in our mind, next through our heart and finally we will be able to live with it. The Gospel of the Lord is like a sword has a sharp end that can kill a person’s life. (Note: kill means change) Because the word of God has its truth so the time that we hear it our consciousness will start to wor