
Education Issues - Waiting For Superman

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Education is a vital part of one's life. However, the education system doesn't always live up to high standards. The documentary, "Waiting for Superman," was an excellent illustration of the large problems this nation faces in our learning. Before the 1970s, the US was ranked highest in education around the world, but between then and now are place has been bumped down lower and lower. The reason isn't that we become uneducated, but that other nations are adapting and advancing ahead of us. Our system of the government needs to notice that impoverished neighborhoods, poor and failing education institutions is a major crisis. Although there have been countless attempts to reform education, increase budgets and implement new programs, the education system in the U.S. is not doing its job entirely. Five children and their families were filmed and shown how their experience with public schooling. The audience is shown the process and the struggles these families took to gain a better education for their children. The parents of these children are struggling to meet-ends-meet at homes, yet still believe that education is the key to helping their child succeed and have a better outcome in life what they received. Only two out of the five kids were gained admission into their desired charter school, in which they saw a better opportunity for their schooling. According to the film, Charter schools are a free alternative to public education. They receive some funding from the Department of Education, but most is derived from fundraising and grants from outside sources. These charter schools give an equal chance at a better education as well as illustrating the high demands for these schools, thus the "lottery" comes to play. For instance, Bianca from Harlem is attending a parochial school in order to have a better education than she could receive from her local public school. Unfortunately, her single mother, Nakia, is unable to afford the tuit

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