
Smoking During Prenancy

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Smoking can be a stress reliever for most people, but some people find it “cool” to smoke. One can smoke just a single cigarette and be addicted to it for the rest of that person’s life. Smoking can affect one’s body in many different ways that include lung cancer, but there are also ways people who does not smoke, still get the effect. One example would be passive smoking, when a person is standing near a smoker and inhale the smoke. Another way smokers can affect other’s life is when that smoker is pregnant. Over the years, the rate of teenage mothers seemed to increase. While some are prepared to take responsibility to take care of their kids, others are often careless and to show that carelessness and stress, they have the probability of smoking. Adolescent who smoke and at the same time is pregnant can result in very bad consequences. One of those consequences would be measures of behavior problems, activity, and attention. Another would be urinary exposure to tobacco smoke, increased impulsivity, and aggression. Examples of those behaviors included maternal anxiety, depression, and hostility. It is very important that these adolescent mothers should get an intervention because one does not know whether they will still have another baby. Rather than smoking, they should also be protective of themselves sexually. One should be careless of their body and consequences of every pleasurable action. I believe that people should be careful of the next generation because they are the future of the humanity. People take on different challenges and hardships that life gives them. For some, they can fight it, but others seem to struggle. When they do struggle, they want to let go as in stress reliever. Examples of that stress reliever would be smoking, drinking, and gambling. Smoking during pregnancy can affect both the mother and the child. The substances in cigarettes that include nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other poisons

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