Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock and relive a particular moment or make sure it never happened? Well, unfortunately, we are unable to do that. I remember one day that I wish I could go back and erase. It was a warm summer morning the wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining down on my face. I remember the family rushing to get ready to go to the beach for the first time everyone smiling, laughing, and joking around while getting dressed. When we finally got to the beach around nine in the morning, there was a lot of families setting their umbrellas in the sand, laying towels down, and kids running towards the water. I still remember pulling my sister to hurry so we can get into the water with me like the other kids. When we got to the edge of the beach I stood there waiting for the water to come back up to the shore to cover my feet, once it did I couldn’t help but go in further into the beach as the waves kept pushing us back to the shore. I remember seeing something in the water so as I go down to reach for it I hear my mother yell to me and my sister to hurry and get out of the water, at that moment I knew it was time to go get on the boat to go in further into the beach. Now I’m on the boat in the middle of the ocean looking around in amazement I couldn’t believe how beautiful and clear the water, was it was like I was in a dream that I didn’t want to wake up from. As I’m getting closer to the side of the boat my mother warns me not to get to close unless I wanted to fall over, but of course I wanted to get a closer look at the ocean and I didn’t listen, the next thing I know a wave hits the boat really hard and I end up falling out, I remember thinking this is it I’m going to die I should have listened not long after I pass out. Finally, I wake up to a bright light in my eyes, a strange smell that I couldn’t recognize, and the sound of my mother crying while my father tried to calm her