Imagine that you are a circus animal, for over 20 years in your whole life was to travel all over country so people can watch you just so they can be entertained. That sounds like you would be some kind of popular artist that everyone was waiting to see every year, which might be good. But the real question is, How do they get to do all those tricks? Where they born with such talent? As we get to that point all those animals learn by being harmed, they start at a young age for which they are traumatized by the equipment they use to harm them and do as they say. For that animals deserve some rights and should be treated, not like its worth nothing but like as if they were one of us. One that most of the people are familiar with are Circuses. A circus is a public entertainment that consist of many different performances that entertain the people. In a circus you are able to find animals like Bears,elephants,tigers,etc., and for that the animals are abused by their trainers. As a source says that mostly female elephants are used for circuses, which in their case they are more docile. And for that they train the animals to do some tricks and audience can be surprised. The animals do as what their trainer is saying them to do, for that they are afraid of the consequences that they might get if they don’t do as they told to do. They are trained harshly with: whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bull hook, etc., for that they don't deserve to be treated with such harmful instruments. Also all the animals are traveling from place to place in harsh weather in these box cars that are intended to do everything in there such as, eat, drink, sleep, and do their personal business. These animals should be treated in a more caring way since they are part of their little act, for that they show that they don't care on what conditions the animals are living on. Animals need to have rights because they are living organism just as we are. A