Everyone has their own pasts and bad memories that sometimes, they don’t want to tell anybody about it, but some people prefer to speak it out in order to feel much better than they keep it to themselves. It is hard to tell the other people about your secret, and it’s even harder to remind about something that you really want to forget. Bullying is a really common social issue that happens in some countries these days. I, myself also want to reveal my big secret that I’ve been hiding it since I was a junior back in Cambodia. It happened to me once back in 2010. People were keeping bullying me by calling me this and that. It was hard to overcome with this tragic event, but at the end I became who I am today. It teaches me a life lesson and I’m glad that it didn’t turn me to be bad after I’ve been through so many things. Bullying changed my life. September 2011, it was the beginning day of my junior year back in high school in Cambodia. Chbar Ampov High School was my old high school, and it located on the National Highway 1, Mean Chey district, Phnom Penh. I entered the front gate of the junior building, across the small bridge, under those big trees, and the smell of different kinds of flower. I was so excited to meet my new classmates; I thought it would be the best year for me. Before class, all the students had to meet in front of the flag which was at the center of the whole school in order to sing a song to remind the majesty of our king. I had a hard time to find my classroom’s spot, that’s why I rushed to get in between people. Suddenly, there were hands behind my back; pushed me to aside, so I fell off. I looked up to see who did this to me; I saw this girl named Monika, the name-tag on her shirt (every student in my country had to wear their nametag) was standing there and laughing at me. What a terrible thing to started my first day; I wished I wouldn’t run into her again at school or having class with her. A sunshine in the morning made me feel so fresh. I rode my motorbike to school as usual, but my great morning was ruined by Monika because she hawked at me. I was so mad and yet, I got to stay quiet. I walked from the parking lot to class by counting my steps because I was so excited. Every time I thought of making new friends, I ended up smiling to myself. The moment I arrived at the front door, my heart started to pound like a drum was hitting nonstop. The first person I saw and faced to was the only person that I’ve been wanting to see since my 6th grade. I felt like my heart was jumping outside and I blushed. “Hi Maryna, long time no see, huh? How’ve you been doing? Do you even remember me? I’m Dara,” he began surprisingly. I was lost at the moment, but then I caught up my senses back and replied, “Uh, yeah! I know you. I’m doing great. Nice to see you again, Dara,” I smiled and walked to find my seat. It was a long time for me to feel this happy again. Since my dad passed away, he was the only person who’ve been there for me all the time and he always protected me from the other kids when they called me a “fatherless child”. I wasn’t surprise that I liked him since then until now. Class already began almost thirty minutes, there was a group of four girls started to walk in without asking an apology for being late from the teacher. At first, I didn’t pay attention to them because I was so busy to write the notes down, but then I heard a familiar voice and a familiar smell from the other day; a voice of a leader who were fearless of anything even the teacher. At that moment, I knew by heart that it was Monika and her friends. I faced up and I caught my eyes with hers, she stared at me without moving her eyes off me and gave the hatred expression of hers toward me, so I faced back down. The thought of that moment was overwhelming. I was sixteen; Monika and Vinear were a year younger than me. Pisey and Socheata were the oldest. Monika was like the main leader in the group because the other three people followed her without saying a word against her. She was skinny and beautiful with her makeup; she liked be involved with the gangs, and she liked to fight. Unlike her, Vinear was a little bit different from Monika even though she looked just like her. She was pretty and somehow friendly with the other people, and she was so smart. The other two were way different from the group. Pisey was the tallest girl in group, she wasn’t really smart to handle the situation by her own like the others; she was also had a big tongue which is made her having a hard time to speak clearly. The last member was Socheata. Socheata was Monika’s older cousin and she was a tomboy who was considered as a homosexual type, but she liked to stay silent every time and everywhere. She didn’t talk too much, but when it came to a fight or an argument, she was the only person who could deal with it like a piece of cake. All of them were best frien