The trait theory is a very interesting theory. I believe the trait theory is the most accurate theory, considering it goes into depth about not only biological views, but also psychological views. The trait theory is defined as the view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits. This may seems basic and simple, but there is so much that goes into this theory. The trait theory can be broken up into three individual main theories. The contemporary trait theory, biological trait theory, and psychological trait theory are all part of the trait theory. So, to give you a quick understanding on why the trait theory is the most accurate theory I will go over each individual part of the trait theory and what makes it reliable. The contemporary theory is made up of contemporary theorist that believe each offender is considered physically and mentally unique, so there must be different explanations for each person’s behavior. This is a pretty reliable theory because it does not just jump to one conclusion, it considers many possibilities. For example, some people may have inherited criminal tendencies or others may be suffering from neurological problems. Another example is some people may have blood chemistry disorders that heighten their antisocial activity. Because they believe each individual has a different explanation for their behavior, they came up with two different models. The two model are the vulnerability model and the differential susceptibility model. The vulnerability model suggests that there is a direct link between traits and crime. The differential susceptibility model suggests that some people possess physical or mental traits that make them more susceptible to environmental influences, so it is more of an indirect link. These contemporary theorist also believe that personal traits and biological conditions best explain behavioral choices. Which not brings up to the next theory; the biological trait theory. The biological trait theory is a branch of the contemporary theory. It focuses on the biological conditions that control human behavior. The people that study this are often called bio-criminologist. The biological trait theory is another theory that considers many possibilities. It is divided up into four individual theories or views; Biochemical conditions, Neurophysiological conditions, genetics, and evolutionary views. The link between biochemical conditions and crime is an odd theory. This theory includes crimes that are genetically predetermined and crimes that are acquired through diet and environment. Who knew diet could be the reason some people do what they do? The biochemical conditions and crimes can be both direct and indirect. In some cases, the influence of chemicals and minerals is direct. For example, early ingestions of alcohol may have a direct influence on antisocial behavior. In other ca