Essentially there are two types of learners with contrasting traits and obtain completely different viewpoints on learning. You have individuals with a growth mindset and individuals with a fixed mindset. Ideally, a person that contains a fixed mindset believes they have limitations in learning and completely unacknowledged their weaknesses. The contrasting group which are growth learners believe their learning ability can expand and attempt to improve their weak areas. Myself, I’d say I lean more towards the growth mindset side, yet there are certain things I have a fixed mindset on. One specific thing I’d say I have a fixed mindset on is sleeping. I neglect my hours of sleep due to me working best under pressure and under stressful predicaments. Not as if I can’t be productive while rested I just became accustomed to doing it for years. Years past, I did this not realize how unhealthy it was for me. Now that I’m informed that the average human should get close to seven to eight hours of sleep I plan on completely breaking this practice. To make sure I fulfill this goal I plan on keeping an organized log of hours and try to sleep at specific time every night. As far as school days go I’d like to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night. This means I’d have to go to sleep around 11:20pm, waking up around 7:30am five days a week. With this in place I think I’ll find improvement in overall school performance if I adjust to this new tendency. For the weekend and Friday night I don’t think this system needs to apply due to me not going to school on the following day. Thus me not needing any extra rest because, I may not do something educational the following day. My academic goal for U.S History is to get an A. To do so I’m aware I need to make sure to turn in close to all assignments given out. Procrastination can’t occur this semester on any assignments, since this can lead to turning in erroneous work, or not