For those of you who don't know, black markets, by definition, are an illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled or scarce commodities. In other words, you can illegally obtain things, unfortunately people included, that are otherwise too expensive or controlled or banned by the government. Of the fourteen of you who answered my survey questions, I'm only giving about 36% of you credit for getting the whole definition correct. The other 64% thought a black market is just selling things illegally or a drug ring or something of the sort. The majority said a black market is illegal selling. However, it is much more than that. It's a system that consists of poorly monitored ports, roles and jobs that need to be filled with requirements that need to be met, and many countries. Each and every person involved in black market dealing needs to be a silent genius in order to get away with what it is that they're doing. What's the point in there even being a black market? Does it really hurt anyone? Even if you’re just closing your eyes to sleep at night, there is always a chance you won't wake up. Everything you do is a risk. Nothing worth having in life can be guaranteed. If that were so, we'd be in a utopian society where everyone was the same kind of "happy." No one can promise safety and validity through a black market deal, but that doesn't mean they pose a huge threat. Black markets supply much needed profit, they help people get what they need for a price they can manage, and not only this, but international trade is a source of tremendous consumer benefit. In my survey, I also asked you if you thought black markets are harmful to society or the economy. Only 13 answered this question, and about 61.5% said that yes, they are in fact harmful to our society and many others, while the other 38.5% either believe black markets aren’t hurting anyone, or they aren’t effected by them and therefore just don’t care. In Why Black