
Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony

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Eyewitness testimony is a legal term that refers to an account given by people of an event they have witnessed. The individual may be needed to give their statement in a trial. In these trials the witness may be needed to identify perpetrators or give a description of the crime they have encountered. Cognitive psychology and human memory are significant areas of research when it comes to eyewitness testimony. Juries believe that eyewitness testimony is a trustworthy source of information and tend to pay close attention to it. Anxiety, stress, reconstructive memory, weapon focus and leading question are enormous factors that affect the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. Memory does not work like videotape. Humans do not have the ability to play back events. Individuals store information in ways that make the most sense and that is comprehensible to them. This is called schemas, which is a way of organizing information. We alter situations to fit our prejudice beliefs. Schemas are capable of changing unintentionally “unacceptable” information to be suitable to these beliefs. Photographic lineup is a procedure used by law enforcement personnel to discover or confirm the identity of a criminal suspect. Usually an officer shows the victim and/or witness six photos, one being the suspect and then five others who look similar to the suspect. If the victim and/or witness correctly identifies the suspect then they are later taken into in-person lineup that is the live presentation of several persons, including the suspect, to the witness. This could be effective or can take a dreadful wrong turn like in the case of Jennifer Thompson and Ronald Cotton. A teenage black male raped Jennifer Thomson. While she was being raped she was incapable of stopping the rapist so instead she thoroughly studied his face. She checked for scars, his race, his nose, and his every feature. She wanted to make sure she convicted the monster that caused her exce

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