Cooking Chicken I have learned a lot of cooking methods and some really delicious recipe/food as I walk in this kind of journey the cooking journey. I am a fan of food I like to eat food especially those I haven’t eaten yet in my life. And this is the first laboratory in commercial cooking. As we the group are discussing and dividing the works our leader gave me the task to cook the pan fried Asian glazed chicken drumstick. I was amazed how easy it is to create this dish. After I’ve familiarized the recipe I cooked again at home but with a twist. And I also learned that following the recipe is really important to know what are the basic things to do and to prepare to cook. While cooking and try to taste if you are not contented with the taste you now adjust the taste by adding salt and pepper or other herbs and spices for short experiment. Unlike in baking you should follow the exact measurement. In cooking meat you can experiment with the taste. As far as I have eaten chicken that I myself cooked this is the best I have ever tasted. Sandwich In this activity I never thought that there are so many kind of sandwich. Since I have been a fan of food sandwich is one of my favourite. After the laboratory I then again created a sandwich a tuna filling with ham and cheese. I have learned that there are two types of sandwich the cold sandwich and the hot sandwich. Of course the cold sandwich must be served cold and the hot sandwich should be served hot. Would bread without filling can be called a sandwich? Of course not, since sandwich is a food item consisting of one or more types of food placed on or between slices of bread. That’s one of the things I learned in the sandwich activity. I also learned that fillings and spreads are different. A sandwich can be a substitute for a rice or a whole meal. And as I have observed Filipino eat sandwich for snack while in other countries sandwich is their breakfast. I also learned that sandwich